Days Suspended

Type of Misconduct



Prosecutors Notified

Union Intervention

Honolulu Police Misconduct

24-017: Failed to submit appropriate documentation for a leave request. Utilized unauthorized leave for personal business. Falsified a departmental form. Yelled and exhibited anger in the workplace. *Officer was discharged for an unrelated matter prior to 1-day suspension.

*1 day-day suspension

2022-18: Overbearing use of Conducted Energy Weapon. Told detainee he would activate the CEW in detainee's mouth.

10-day suspension

2022-023: Acted inappropriately and in an overbearing manner while off duty, attired in a HPD uniform, and not working in an official HPD capacity when he repeatedly berated, yelled, and used profanity during a heated discussion with the complainants. Criminal Conduct Initiated: Terroristic Threatening in the Second Degree *Officer resigned prior to termination.

Termination-day suspension

2022-015: Used excessive and/or unreasonable force when he pushed a handcuffed arrestee head first into a shelving unit and struck him in the face without justification. Committed a criminal act when he struck the arrestee’s face while the arrestee was handcuffed and caused the arrestee to sustain bodily injury. Submitted an incomplete report when he did not document the use of force and/or did not submit the appropriate form. Was untruthful and/or falsified his submitted report when he knowingly wrote a false statement about how the arrestee was injured. Was unprofessional and/or acted inappropriately when directing profanity toward the arrestee. Criminal Conduct Initiated: Assault in the Second Degree

Pending grievance
Corey Morgan

2022-008: Used excessive and/or unreasonable force while assisting with grabbing or restraining a detainee in an effort to remove the detainee‚ clothes without justification. Used excessive and/or unreasonable force when he struck the detainee without justification. Committed a criminal act when he intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly caused bodily injury to the detainee without justification. Failed to intervene and take appropriate action upon witnessing the detainee being assaulted or subjected to unreasonable force by other officers. Submitted an incomplete report and was untruthful and/or falsified his police report. Criminal Conduct Initiated: Assault in the Second Degree

Pending grievance
Judah Kekua

2022-007: Used excessive and/or unreasonable force while assisting with grabbing or restraining a detainee in an effort to remove the detainee‚ clothes without justification. Used excessive and/or unreasonable force when he struck the detainee without justification. Committed a criminal act when he intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly caused bodily injury to the detainee without justification. Failed to intervene and take appropriate action upon witnessing the detainee being assaulted or subjected to unreasonable force by other officers. Submitted an incomplete report and was untruthful and/or falsified his police report. Criminal Conduct Initiated: Assault in the Second Degree

Pending grievance

2022-006: Used unreasonable force while assisting with restraining a detainee in an effort to remove the detainee‚ clothes without justification. Failed to intervene and take appropriate action upon witnessing the detainee being subjected to unreasonable force by other officers. Criminal Conduct Initiated: Assault in the Second Degree

10 days-day suspension
Pending grievance
Eric Reis

2022-005: Used unreasonable force while assisting with restraining a detainee in an effort to remove the detainee‚ clothes without justification. Failed to intervene and take appropriate action upon witnessing the detainee being subjected to unreasonable force by other officers.Criminal Conduct Initiated: Assault in the Second Degree

10 days-day suspension
Pending grievance
Ian Rosario

2022-004: Used unreasonable force while assisting with restraining a detainee in an effort to remove the detainee‚ clothes without justification. Failed to intervene and take appropriate action upon witnessing the detainee being subjected to unreasonable force by other officers. Criminal Conduct Initiated:Assault in the Second Degree

10 days-day suspension
Pending grievance

2022-003: Used unreasonable force by grabbing and forcing a detainee onto a bench when the detainee was not initially resisting or given a reasonable opportunity to comply with instructions. Used unreasonable force while assisting with restraining the detainee in an effort to remove the detainee‚ clothes without justification. Failed to intervene and take appropriate action upon witnessing the detainee being subjected to unreasonable force by other officers. Criminal Conduct Initiated:Assault in the Second Degree*Officer resigned prior to 10-day suspension.

* 10 days-day suspension
Sean Kim